Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Farenheit 451#6

Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful?

The passage that I like the most from this novel, Fahrenheit 451, is when Clarisse McClellan, the young teenage girl, talks about the fast drivers who do not know what flowers, grass, and trees are because they drive too fast. Clarisse says that it’s funny and also sad because all they would see would be different colors of blurs. I think this passage implicates the people in the society who prefer watching televisions rather than looking at the beautiful flowers, trees, and the birds. Even though she only talks about the people in her society, I think it also applies to people today in our society as well. We are always so busy that we have no time to ride on our bicycles or maybe just walk along the road filled with big trees with green leaves, fruits, and animals on them. A long time ago, when there were no cars, ships, and air planes, people walked and sailed all the way. It of course took much longer than nowadays to get to a place to another, however, people never complained or grumbled because they enjoyed the time that they could watch the sunlight in the sky, fish in the water, and the grasslands shining brightly. The people in Clarisse’s society and even today’s world have no time to do all these things that the men and the women did in the past because we have subways that run underground, railroads and driveways that destroyed the living environment of the nature.
*To find the entire passage and my thoughts on it, go to Question #8

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