Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Farenheit 451 #7

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful?or disturbing?or memorable?Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The most memorable moment that I could never forget even after I finished the book was when the old lady burns herself with her books. Unlike what most of the people did when they got caught, she was very firm and did not scream or cry. The firemen were a little surprised to see her reaction however they didn’t care much about her and looked for the books that are hidden. After burning all the books, they were starting to burn the house. They told the woman to come out, but awkwardly, she did not move. She had a match in her hands, so she took it out and burned the house and herself. When other firemen didn’t take this so seriously, Guy Montag was a little shocked. He could not get rid of the old lady burning herself out of his head. After Clarisse McClellan’s death, Montag gets more serious and starts thinking about how these two women were different from the others in the society. They searched for the truth, the nature, and the beginning of everything, and they wanted to know more about them. They knew how to think seriously and deeply about one thing, and they did not listen to what the society tells them like a robot and a remote controller. Especially the old woman thought of books as very special and precious belongings of her, and wanted to keep them with her forever even if they lead her to the end of her life. I think I can understand her feelings and minds. She was sure that even if she dies and the books get burned, the truth is the truth so everything will be revealed one day.

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